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- Dr. Ravneet Kaur
- PhD, NET(UGC), MBA (Finance), (Finance), B.COM (professional), B.Ed (Commerce + English), DIM, PGDIM, PGDIFM, NIIT Accounting package...
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
business manners, underderstanding etiquette, cross cultural etiquette, tips
Five Business Manners That Matter
The knowledge of business etiquette applies to all, whether you’re a successful business executive or a recent college graduate just entering the business world. We can all use gentle reminders of how to behave appropriately in our day-to-day business life. There may be times when you find the adage true that “you don’t know what you don’t know,” so it behooves you to learn as much as you can about the finer aspects of business protocol, as well.
Some may disagree, but in the twenty-first century, although it is certainly less true than in the past, for a woman to be successful in the business world, she must often work harder, stay later and be more prepared than her male counterparts; unfair, but still, unfortunately, true. There are many things that a woman can do, though, that go a long way in ensuring that she is taken seriously immediately and consistently and that her hard work and knowledge are what her co-workers and superiors know to be true of her.
The following should be your rules to work by:
1. Be Prepared
When meeting with co-workers, superiors or clients, the best strategy is to be prepared—your subject knowledge must be thorough and your written materials impeccable. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression—and in business, as in life, impressions are everything.
When meeting with co-workers, superiors or clients, the best strategy is to be prepared—your subject knowledge must be thorough and your written materials impeccable. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression—and in business, as in life, impressions are everything.
Your written materials must be of the highest standard. Any brochures or handouts must be edited and reviewed keenly. There is no room for error with spelling or grammar. You must also ensure that you have all of the materials that you will need, packaged together neatly ahead of time, and bring extras just in case.
Your business cards must be of the highest quality with up-to-date information and not torn or bent. When presenting your card, turn it around and hand it to the person face-up, so that they can read it easily. Note: Remember to receive materials with respect—read them thoughtfully and treat them carefully. If they have prepared as you have, they have worked hard to ensure that their materials are of the highest caliber, as well; they would not like to see them go unread, scribbled on, or callously shoved into a briefcase.
Depending on the nature of the meeting, be ready to answer your client’s questions, but also be ready to ask relevant questions—this shows that you are well versed on the subject and interested in doing an above-average job. It might even be said that your knowledgeable questions are even more important than your answers. It shows that you are interested in the person or people with whom you are dealing; and everyone appreciates when someone is genuinely interested in them, or their product/service. This is especially true of job interviews. You’ll obviously want to know about the specific aspects of the job, as it relates to salary, etc. but you can also show that you’ve done your research and that you have good working knowledge of the company and position for which you are applying. Ask open-ended questions that will lead to deeper conversation and set you apart from the other candidates because of your demonstrated interest level and initiative.
2. Be Early
Take the time to get directions and find out about parking and other considerations ahead of time. This way, you can determine how much time you’ll need to get to your destination and then can factor in an early arrival time. This will allow you some extra time to collect your thoughts and attend to other personal needs. When you arrive early (9:30–9:45 for a 10:00), you allow yourself time to get to the ladies’ room, get water, or coffee, review your notes—basically time to breathe. This all leads to a more confident and prepared you, and ultimately, your goal of a successful meeting
Take the time to get directions and find out about parking and other considerations ahead of time. This way, you can determine how much time you’ll need to get to your destination and then can factor in an early arrival time. This will allow you some extra time to collect your thoughts and attend to other personal needs. When you arrive early (9:30–9:45 for a 10:00), you allow yourself time to get to the ladies’ room, get water, or coffee, review your notes—basically time to breathe. This all leads to a more confident and prepared you, and ultimately, your goal of a successful meeting
3. Dress Appropriately
When men dress for business, there are few areas where they can go wrong. When a woman dresses for business, there are many more potential errors of judgment that can be made. When in doubt, dress “up” rather than “down” and stay more on the conservative side. You need not dress as a man—dark suit, white shirt, low heels (you get the picture), but if you pay attention to a few important details, you won’t have to worry.
When men dress for business, there are few areas where they can go wrong. When a woman dresses for business, there are many more potential errors of judgment that can be made. When in doubt, dress “up” rather than “down” and stay more on the conservative side. You need not dress as a man—dark suit, white shirt, low heels (you get the picture), but if you pay attention to a few important details, you won’t have to worry.
Make sure your skirt is not too short or too tight; knee length or just below the knee is flattering and tasteful—no matter what the current style is on Madison Avenue. Pantyhose should be worn in the winter months—in colder climates; but never with open-toed shoes. Pants should fit well and should be the correct length for the shoes that you are wearing—no hems dragging on the ground. Heels are flattering, but they shouldn’t be too high or too difficult to walk in. Blouses and tops should not be too revealing, too low-cut or too tight. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum; tattoos covered and make-up and perfume subtle.
Note: This is not about sacrificing your individuality—your clothes should be a reflection of (the business) you. Remember that here is a time and place to be your (other) self—outside of work.
4. Be Gracious
Say please and thank you to everyone—always and sincerely; to co-workers, superiors, subordinates, restaurant staff, cab drivers, assistants, etc. You will never go wrong by being courteous and polite. Paying attention to how you treat others and caring about other’s feelings and opinions is the ultimate form of kindness and respect.
Say please and thank you to everyone—always and sincerely; to co-workers, superiors, subordinates, restaurant staff, cab drivers, assistants, etc. You will never go wrong by being courteous and polite. Paying attention to how you treat others and caring about other’s feelings and opinions is the ultimate form of kindness and respect.
A smile, eye contact, and a firm handshake complete the package!
5. Follow Through
Did you tell someone you would get back to them? Then do it. Write reminders to yourself or do whatever it takes to make sure you remember to reply to the people that are expecting to hear back from you. If you forget, apologize, but make sure it doesn’t happen again. Your good reputation is at stake and if your co-workers and superiors can’t count on you, you will lose their valuable trust.
Did you tell someone you would get back to them? Then do it. Write reminders to yourself or do whatever it takes to make sure you remember to reply to the people that are expecting to hear back from you. If you forget, apologize, but make sure it doesn’t happen again. Your good reputation is at stake and if your co-workers and superiors can’t count on you, you will lose their valuable trust.
This is especially important with your clients. You must always get back to the people that you are hoping to or already do business with—you will lose business faster than you can say “lost revenue” if you fail to communicate in a timely manner.
When you remember to follow through, you have gone a long way toward gaining your co-worker and/or client’s trust and respect.
Following through with a handwritten thank you note seems to be a dying art, but it will never be out of style, and the more we rely on technology to help us communicate, the more memorable a handwritten note becomes. Within twenty-four hours of attending an event or receiving a gift, you should jot down a short thank you to your host or hostess. The time and effort you take will be appreciated.
Practicing the above “rules” will help you to act with poise, confidence and courtesy and will solidify your place as a true professional with your present or future employer.
And always remember—kindness is contagious!
The Importance of Good Business Etiquette
Etiquette is a very important factor in determining the success or failure of a business or a person; here are a few Tips on Business etiquettes. Etiquette is the way a person presents himself to others, being comfortable and making other people around comfortable.
Good Business Etiquettes - Recipe to Success
It is very important to practice good manners and etiquettes in order to succeed in your business, be liked by people and maintain good relationships with clients, customers and employees.When you do not practice good etiquette intentionally or unintentionally, you are bound to face lot of obstacles on the path to success. But if a person is generally considerate and attentive to the needs of those who work for him/her by following the basic rules of etiquette, he/she will definitely be successful in any venture.
It is easier to make money than to earn respect and accolade from people who know and interact with you like colleagues and employees. Life will definitely be easier if you follow the following Tips on Business etiquettes.
- Make sure to treat each person you interact with such as a secretary or a janitor, no matter what his or her position in the corporation, with respect and make it a rule to be pleasant to everybody no matter what the situation is.
- Let people know that you appreciate what they do which will boost morale and improve work quality.
- Keep records of people who matter to you and acknowledge if they receive a promotion and wish them on their birthdays.
- When organizing meetings make sure that all the participants know about the schedule, the objective of the meeting, matter that is to be discussed and the expected duration of the meeting.
- Distribution of minutes and summaries of meetings and thanking each participant after meetings is a basic courtesy.
- Always return calls, if you are unable to answer have a polite message on the answering machine that will be returned at the earliest. Never be rude or impatient with anyone on the phone.
- Never make anyone wait, be it an employee or employer, or a business acquaintance. Never be late for a meeting or for work.
- Dress is also a very important aspect in maintaining good business etiquette. Businessmen have to appear impeccably groomed.
- Women have to dress appropriately and take care that they do not give a wrong impression to their colleagues. Proper care taken can avert a lot of embarrassment.
- Make sure your employees practice good etiquettes to customers and to each other to be able to work in a friction free atmosphere. Smiling courteous service will definitely help improve business and make a customer become regular.
Tips on Business etiquettes while traveling to a foreign place:
- Make sure you learn all you can about their customs and be aware of social no no's, if there are any.
- While giving gifts make sure that it is appropriate and not a social taboo in their part of the world.
Business etiquette tips for success
Some quick, top-of-mind nuggets for you on various topics - come back often, we’ll keep adding to the list.
- During a business discussion direct eye contact should be made 40 to 60 percent of the time. Less than that and a person is seen as shy or shifty, hiding something, or lacking self-confidence and authority.
- In business introductions, who is introduced to whom is determined by precedence. Persons of lesser authority are introduced to persons of greater authority, regardless of gender.
- “Ms.” is the correct form of address or honorific for a woman in the business arena regardless of what she chooses to call herself in public.
- If someone doesn’t remember your name , come to their rescue immediately. Extend your hand, smile, and say your name.
- Your business card is part of your visual communications package. It should be given to someone in such a way that the recipient remembers the giver.
- Present the card with the print facing the recipient so the recipient will not have to turn it around to read it.
- When extending an invitation to a client for lunch or dinner, the burden of choice of where to dine belongs to the host.
- If leaving the table briefly, place your napkin on the seat of the chair.
- During a meeting or interview, cell phones and BlackBerry devices should be left in your office or briefcase. The only exception would be on your belt. They should not be placed on a desk or boardroom table.
- The person who is physically present with you takes precedence over a cell phone call.
Cross-Cultural Business Etiquette
Every culture is different, and has different styles of etiquette. Every day deals are lost through misunderstandings, even between relatively similar cultures. These misunderstandings do not have to be huge to have an effect on your business – a poor first impression could leave your prospective partner or customer with a bad feeling. Knowing the right etiquette can help you avoid this and save you a great deal of wasted time and money.
Wearing the appropriate clothing makes a good first impression and sets the tone for how you will be seen. If you work in an industry in which casual dress is the norm, make sure it is also the norm in the country and company you are visiting. For example, men tend not to wear suit jackets and ties in Colombia and the Middle East , but are still expected to be dressed smartly. Women may also need to think about the appropriate skirt length, makeup, jewelry and heel height. When in doubt, it is always best to dress conservatively, and in dark colors.
Communicating in a foreign country can be difficult. Often you may find that your business colleague speaks English -- but if they speak imperfectly, you will need to remember not to correct them as that mat be seen as impolite. You should also determine what makes an appropriate topic of conversation in the country you are visiting. For example, in Japan , people do not tend to talk about money, and in Switzerland personal questions are usually not appreciated among mere acquaintances. It is a good idea, however, to learn a bit about the history of the country or place you are visiting and to be prepared with a few questions about local culture to use as a conversation starter.
Many countries have their own style of greeting, and there is nothing more off-putting than than try to kiss someone who is only expecting a handshake, or holding out your hand pointlessly while the other person bows. In many countries, it is also polite to give small gifts when meeting someone. Make sure you find out the local custom and avoid giving an overly expensive gift that the other person will feel the need to reciprocate. In many Southeast Asian cultures, business cards are usually exchanged and no one is taken seriously who does not have a business card. The cards must also be treated with respect, and not shoved immediately into a pocket.
Forms of Address
While people in the U.S. tend to call colleagues by their first name in all but the most formal situations, this would be considered rude in many other cultures. When you first meet someone, listen carefully to how they are introduced to you and then use that form of address. When in doubt, use a person's title and last name until they invite you to use their first name. Also keep in mind that in some cultures, people with academic degrees expect to be addressed by this qualification, as in “Professor” Smith. In some cultures, people with a Ph.D., or doctorate, expect to be addressed as “Doctor Smith”.
Time And Space
In some cultures, it is not expected that people will be on time. If your colleague or customer is late for a meeting, it is best to take a relaxed view. People from different cultures also have different ideas about personal space. Standing close or touching another person may be considered appropriate. However, this may not apply to those of the other sex. For example, in the Middle East , men often hug each other and hold hands, but do not touch women they are not related too, and the same is true of women. In Mexico , it is OK to give a friendly pat on the back, but in China you should never touch the other person. While in Thailand and India , handshakes are fine, but you should never touch a person's head.
Monday, November 5, 2012
importance of fire insurance
Importance Of Fire Insurance
_Fire insurance is the type of insurance coverage, in which an individual pays some sum of money to the company, in exchange to receive advantages for the fireplace losses.
Fire insurance provides the security for home, share, home furniture, enterprise buildings, etc,. Fireplace insurance provides the price of alternative of properties and assets, which gets broken due to the fireplace incident.
Fire insurance provides the advantages for the homeowner in these ways
Fire insurance provides advantages to the enterprise in the following ways
Fire accidents are very much unexpected but are heavily destructive. Hence, having a fireplace insurance is very much essential.
The expectations of living have definitely modified with the times and this only indicates that more people look for any paths that can lead to benefits. With there being so many kinds of insurance available in the market, some select to leave fireplace insurance, stating that the threats of a fireplace developing are more distant, than say a enter. True, auto insurance, insurance all seem to take main concern, but that does not make fireplace insurance any less important.
Protecting property or home from fireplace is essential, more so if you know the chance of one developing is very real. Mature qualities usually bring more possibility with them. Their age predisposes them to have some substandard electrical wiring, or some leaking plumbing, which would all end up producing a fireplace. Modern, more latest qualities are at less possibility, but random shoots can happen, like during hefty stormy weather when super hits. A fireplace insurance coverage protects for the harm due to a fireplace in two ways. One is paying out the sum of money comparative to the value of the home or business, after the fireplace is out. The other is by getting together with the costs of changing the piece of property or home, and in this case, that indicates fixing and restocking.
It’s bad enough when your home uses up down due to some inevitable incident, but when you do not have an insurance plan to help you move back to your typical life, its even more intense. With that being said, it is well to consider the significance of a fireplace insurance plan, especially if you know you cannot manage to change the home in your own financial initiatives. You get a chance to explain the essentials of the insurance plan you want, showing what you want protected in the insurance plan, and what to be overlooked. If you can not get your kind of insurance plan with one insurance provider, there are always so many others to select from.
Fire insurance provides the security for home, share, home furniture, enterprise buildings, etc,. Fireplace insurance provides the price of alternative of properties and assets, which gets broken due to the fireplace incident.
Fire insurance provides the advantages for the homeowner in these ways
- It provides the price of damage for the building
- It provides the rc, if any home furnishings are damaged due to the fireplace incident, like plywood home furniture, carpets, clothes.
- It provides alternative or maintenance price for the electronic items,which is broken due to fireplace, like television, computer, air coolers.
Fire insurance provides advantages to the enterprise in the following ways
- It covers the price of share broken due to the fire
- It provides the loss of life advantages to employee, in case of loss of life occurred due to the fireplace incident.
- It provides the alternative or maintenance price for the machines, if they get broken due to fireplace incident.
- It provides the medical expenses for the employees, if they get injured due to the fireplace incident.
Fire accidents are very much unexpected but are heavily destructive. Hence, having a fireplace insurance is very much essential.
The expectations of living have definitely modified with the times and this only indicates that more people look for any paths that can lead to benefits. With there being so many kinds of insurance available in the market, some select to leave fireplace insurance, stating that the threats of a fireplace developing are more distant, than say a enter. True, auto insurance, insurance all seem to take main concern, but that does not make fireplace insurance any less important.
Protecting property or home from fireplace is essential, more so if you know the chance of one developing is very real. Mature qualities usually bring more possibility with them. Their age predisposes them to have some substandard electrical wiring, or some leaking plumbing, which would all end up producing a fireplace. Modern, more latest qualities are at less possibility, but random shoots can happen, like during hefty stormy weather when super hits. A fireplace insurance coverage protects for the harm due to a fireplace in two ways. One is paying out the sum of money comparative to the value of the home or business, after the fireplace is out. The other is by getting together with the costs of changing the piece of property or home, and in this case, that indicates fixing and restocking.
It’s bad enough when your home uses up down due to some inevitable incident, but when you do not have an insurance plan to help you move back to your typical life, its even more intense. With that being said, it is well to consider the significance of a fireplace insurance plan, especially if you know you cannot manage to change the home in your own financial initiatives. You get a chance to explain the essentials of the insurance plan you want, showing what you want protected in the insurance plan, and what to be overlooked. If you can not get your kind of insurance plan with one insurance provider, there are always so many others to select from.
Importance of Fire Insurance for Businesses
_No type of risk is more dangerous than fireplace and arson that intends enterprise building in the U. s. Business. This is why high-risk enterprise qualities like dining establishments are recommended to take additional fireplace insurance to make sure they are well ready for such harmful activities.
Basically, fireplace insurance can provide complete take care of against fireplace and smoking damage to the property and its items. Since the actual features and price of take care of will differ on the level of take care of you used for, it is important to make sure that you are effectively protected. Thus, conditions and insurance plan information must be tested before carrying out to a fireplace insurance coverage.
Furthermore, there are other accessories that go with fireplace insurance that you have to involve in your take care of. Although they will price you a little bit more on charges, these will confirm to be important in the future. Such involve legal take care of, personal belongings, and old for new take care of. Just take be aware of administration accepted fireplace protection products that you can use, which will help bring down the price of your fireplace expenses.
Basically, fireplace insurance can provide complete take care of against fireplace and smoking damage to the property and its items. Since the actual features and price of take care of will differ on the level of take care of you used for, it is important to make sure that you are effectively protected. Thus, conditions and insurance plan information must be tested before carrying out to a fireplace insurance coverage.
Furthermore, there are other accessories that go with fireplace insurance that you have to involve in your take care of. Although they will price you a little bit more on charges, these will confirm to be important in the future. Such involve legal take care of, personal belongings, and old for new take care of. Just take be aware of administration accepted fireplace protection products that you can use, which will help bring down the price of your fireplace expenses.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
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