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Monday, December 12, 2016

Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurial Process

Definition: The Entrepreneur is a change agent that acts as an industrialist and undertakes the risk associated with forming the business for commercial use. An entrepreneur has an unusual foresight to identify the potential demand for the goods and services.
The entrepreneurship is a continuous process that needs to be followed by an entrepreneur to plan and launch the new ventures more efficiently.

Entrepreneurial Process 

Entrepreneurial process
  1. Discovery: An entrepreneurial process begins with the idea generation, wherein the entrepreneur identifies and evaluates the business opportunities. The identification and the evaluation of opportunities is a difficult task; an entrepreneur seeks inputs from all the persons including employees, consumers, channel partners, technical people, etc. to reach to an optimum business opportunity. Once the opportunity has been decided upon, the next step is to evaluate it.
    An entrepreneur can evaluate the efficiency of an opportunity by continuously asking certain questions to himself, such as, whether the opportunity is worth investing in, is it sufficiently attractive, are the proposed solutions feasible, is there any competitive advantage, what are the risk associated with it. Above all, an entrepreneur must analyze his personal skills and hobbies, whether these coincides with the entrepreneurial goals or not.
  1. Developing a Business Plan: Once the opportunity is identified, an entrepreneur needs to create a comprehensive business plan. A business plan is critical to the success of any new venture since it acts as a benchmark and the evaluation criteria to see if the organization is moving towards its set goals.
    An entrepreneur must dedicate his sufficient time towards its creation, the major components of a business plan are mission and vision statement, goals and objectives, capital requirement, a description of products and services, etc.
  2. Resourcing: The third step in the entrepreneurial process is resourcing, wherein the entrepreneur identifies the sources from where the finance and the human resource can be arranged. Here, the entrepreneur finds the investors for its new venture and the personnel to carry out the business activities.
  3. Managing the company: Once the funds are raised and the employees are hired, the next step is to initiate the business operations to achieve the set goals. First of all, an entrepreneur must decide the management structure or the hierarchy that is required to solve the operational problems when they arise.
  4. Harvesting: The final step in the entrepreneurial process is harvesting wherein, an entrepreneur decides on the future prospects of the business, i.e. its growth and development. Here, the actual growth is compared against the planned growth and then the decision regarding the stability or the expansion of business operations is undertaken accordingly, by an entrepreneur.
The entrepreneurial process is to be followed, again and again, whenever any new venture is taken up by an entrepreneur, therefore, its an ever ending process.

Read more: http://businessjargons.com/entrepreneurial-process.html#ixzz4SdOWnHdq

Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in India

What are the phases of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in India?

  • It will give general introduction to entrepreneurship.
  • It will afford motivational training.
  • It will increase managerial skill of the entrepreneur,
  • It makes entrepreneur to have expert knowledge on various support systems and procedure.
  • It will give fundamental idea on project feasibility study.
  • It will encourage plant visit to afford practical knowledge to entrepreneurs.
After deciding on course contents and curriculum on EDP, the next important task is to decide various phases of EDP. There are three different phases of EDP like:
  • Pre-training phase
  • Training phase
  • Follow-up phase
1. Pre-training phase:
  • Selection of entrepreneurs for the training programme.
  • Arrangements of infrastructure are for the programme like selection of place of training.
  • Deciding guest faculty for the programme from education industry and banks.
  • Taking necessary steps for inauguration of programme.
  • Formation of selection committee to select trainees from the programme.
  • Making provision with regard to publicity and campaigning for the programme.
2. Training Phase:
The primary objective of training programme is to develop motivation and skill or competency amongst the potential entrepreneurs. Care should be taken to impart both theoretical and practical knowledge to various trainees. The training phase of EDP will be so designed that it will answer the following questions:
(a) Whether the attitude of the entrepreneur has been tuned towards the proposed project or no.
(b) Whether the trainee has been motivated to accept entrepreneurship as a career.
(c) How the trainee behaves like an entrepreneur.
(d) Whether the trainee has sufficient knowledge on resources and technology or not.
(e) What kind of entrepreneurial traits he lacks and what steps should be taken to set it.
3. Follow-up Phase:
Follow up phase of EDP has been termed as post-training phase. The ultimate objective is to develop competent entrepreneurs.
So that they can start their project. Post-training phase is a review phase of training programme. It consists of reviewing of work in the following manner:
  • Review of pre-training work
  • Review of actual training programme
  • Review of post training programme so that cost effectiveness of the present programme can be evaluated.


Objectives of EDP

Objectives of EDP:

The major objectives of the Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) are to:
a. Develop and strengthen the entrepreneurial quality, i.e. motivation or need for achievement.
b. Analyse environmental set up relating to small industry and small business.
c. Select the product.
d. Formulate proposal for the product.
e. Understand the process and procedure involved in setting up a small enterprise.
f. Know the sources of help and support available for starting a small scale industry.
g. Acquire the necessary managerial skills required to run a small-scale industry.
h. Know the pros and cons in becoming an entrepreneur.
i. Appreciate the needed entrepreneurial discipline.
j. Besides, some of the other important objectives of the EDPs are to:
k. Let the entrepreneur himself / herself set or reset objectives for his / her enterprise and strive for their realization.
l. Prepare him / her to accept the uncertainty in running a business.
m. Enable him / her to take decisions.
n. Enable to communicate clearly and effectively.
o. Develop a broad vision about the business.
p. Make him subscribe to the industrial democracy.
q. Develop passion for integrity and honesty.
r. Make him learn compliance with law.

GST notes