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Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Questionnaire Procedure of Marketing Research

The Questionnaire Procedure of Marketing Research

1. Types of Questionnaire:
There are two groups of questionnaires:
(a) Structured Questionnaire
(b) Non-structured Questionnaire.
(a) Structured Questionnaire contains definite, concrete and pre ordinated questions with additional questions limited to those necessary to classify inadequate answers or to elicit a more detailed response.
(b)Non-structured Questionnaire is used for focused, depth and non-directive interviews. It contains definite subject matter areas, the coverage which is required during the interview, but interviewer is largely free to arrange the form and timing of enquiry.
Another type of Questionnaire Classification is:
(a) Questionnaire of Facts—which requires certain information of facts from the respondent without any reference to his opinion or attitude about them and
(b) Questionnaire of Opinion and attitude—in which the informant’s opinion, attitude or preference regarding some phenomena is sought.
2. Questionnaire Construction:
A questionnaire may be short, precise and unbiased. The questionnaire is to be designed in such a way that one can get all the answer which help in identifying the marketing problems under study.
(a) Direct Questions
(ii) Closed Response Questions:
This type of question is easy to answer for example.
What brand of toothpaste you normally use?
(ii) Dichotomus Questions: Two fixed alternatives ‘yes’ or ‘no’ types answers are obtained. Do you like Soya Bean Milk? Yes {} No { } Never Tried { }
(iii) Multiple Choice Questions: Why did you select brand ‘A’ PC?
i. Good Appearance
ii. Low Power Consumption
iii. Lower Price
iv. Efficient After Sales Service.
This may not represent the relations weight ages given by the respondents.
(iv) Rating Scale Questions:
This provides more precise data for comparison purpose on a rating scale.
(v) Preference Questions:
This type of question provides a quick response on the likes and dislikes of the consumers. However, it may not reflect effectiveness in buying situations.
Example, which of these flavours in a soft-drink do you prefer?
Lemon { }
Orange { }
Plain { }
Cola { }
(vi) Ranking Questions:
The brand image and market standing can immediately be observed through this question. However, this ranking is relative and does not yield any qualitative feedback on the product.
For the best picture clarity, how would you rank following TV sets?
Sony { }
Onida { }
Videocon { }
Sharp { }
BPL { }
Philips { }
Indirect Questions:
Sometimes, it may become necessary to withhold the intention of asking a question and it is left much on the respondent to give the suitable answer.
This is mostly to study the attitudes, response etc. of the consumers.
Example: Please compute the following sentence:
Brand X refined oil is used by more people because…..
3. Precautions in designing a questionnaire:
Following precautions are to be taken.
(i) Size of Questionnaire:
Size should be as small as possible.
(ii) Appearance:
Good quality paper and printing, attractive layout, grand letter head create good impression upon informant.
(iii) Clarity:
The construction and language should be simple and clear.
(iv) Sequence of Questions:
A number of haphazard questions in the questionnaire fail to create the interest of the respondent. The questions should be in proper sequence making the whole study clear and interesting.
(v) Catching Interest:
The greatest quality of a questionnaire is its interest catching capacity. If it catches the interest of the respondent, it is sure to be carefully filled up and properly dispatched

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