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Sunday, July 29, 2012

consumer motivation

Consumer Motivation
Motivation is an inner drive that reflects goal-directed arousal. In a consumer behavior context, the results is a desire for a product, service, or experience.
It is the drive to satisfy needs and wants, both physiological and psychological, through the purchase and use of products and services
Five stages of the motivation process:
Latent need
Want or desire
Behavioral Models of Motivation
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Motivation as a means of satisfying human needs
Five types of needs:
  • Physiological: food, water, sleep, exercise, sex
  • Safety: security, shelter, normalcy in daily life
  • Love and belonging: affection and acceptance as part of a family or group
  • Esteem or status: self-respect and the respect of others; the need to feel competent, confident, important, and appreciated
  • Self-actualization: the need to realize one’s own potential, to achieve dreams and ambitions
Marketing implications ILLUSTRATIONS
Campbell Soup – meeting physiological needs
Campbell’s Soup – safety, security
Establish a routine, normalcy in daily life – know what to plan on Tuesdays
Campbell’s Soup:  Love and belonging
Show them you care . . .
Campbell’s Soup – esteem or status – feel competent, confident
Campbell’s Soup:  Self-actualization
 Take care of yourself!
Consumer Motivation and Marketplace Behavior
Influence on consumer decision making
Influence on consumer conflict resolution
  • Approach-approach conflict
  • Approach-avoidance conflict
  • Avoidance-avoidance conflict
Influence on consumption patterns
  Motivational Conflicts
Are you trying to avoid (negative) or achieve (positive) an outcome?
What would be an outcome for a consumer to avoid?
(too many calories, fat content, high price, unclean clothes)
What is an outcome for a consumer to pursue? (good taste)
In Reality, Many Outcomes are in Conflict
  • eg high calorie food which tastes great!
  • leads to “need” for low calorie food which tastes great
  • leading to “fake fat”
  • Cognitive Dissonance (minimize negatives)
Does the Atkins’ diet help with conflict resolution? Does the low carb craze allow consumers to eat more of some products while losing weight?? Do Marketers Create Brand Needs?
Lexus and Rolex
Motivational Research
Depth interviews:  complex interview regarding product motivations
Projective techniques -  complete the story, fill in words on cartoon
“People who use Brand X are _______ but people who use Brand Y are ________
Subjectivity versus depth of information
eg Do people eat ice-cream to feel like a child again? helps to reveal deep-seated needs
Do Marketers Create Attributes that aren’t needed?
  • The good egg? Today, you can choose between omega-3 eggs, lower-cholesterol eggs, free-range eggs, organic eggs, even eggs that have been pasteurized in the shell. Of course, you'll pay extra for these added features, but for some, they may be worth the price. How are these "designer" or specialty eggs produced and what do they offer the consumer?
  • Organic eggs: To be label as organically produced eggs, the eggs must be produced from hens that have been fed certified-organic feed produced without synthetic pesticides or herbicides, antibiotics or genetically-modified crops. In addition, synthetic pesticides cannot be used to control parasites that may affect the chicken. Typically, organic eggs also are produced from hens in cage-free systems.
How about post-it notes?
Post-it notes were developed from an adhesive that didn’t stick permanently
Developed to mark Art Fry’s place in his choir hymnal
Was the need created? Triggering Consumer Motives
Inducing need recognition
Move consumer from actual state to desired state
Triggering motivation through need-benefit segmentation
Understand consumer better and offer him or her goods and services to meet the needs of specific target segments
Triggering subconscious motivation
Emotions are affective responses that reflect the activation within the consumer of beliefs that are deep-seated and value-laden
Beliefs ? emotions
Many emotions are used in advertising:
Anger, fear, humor, compassion
Can you think of any others?
Limitations in use
Emotions (continued)
Experiencing emotions
People purchase products and services to experience certain emotional states or to achieve emotional goals (emotional arousal)
Emotions and consumer satisfaction
Emotions and communication
It is an affective state that is general and pervasive
Moods are much less intense than emotions
Consumers are much less conscious of moods and the effect moods have on marketplace behavior
Consumer moods are induced in three different marketplace settings:
Service encounters
POS stimuli
How can a brand create a mood?
How can a store atmosphere create a mood?
Sports store?
Athletic store?
Effects of Moods
On consumer recall
Mood at encoding and retrieval
On consumer evaluation
Negative mood ? negative evaluation (and vice versa)
On consumer behavior
Positive mood increases giving, encourages consumers to seek variety and their willingness to try new things
Inducing Positive Moods
In service encounters
Transaction mechanics
Service personnel
Physical setting
In marketing communications
Media placement
Message aspects
It refers to a heightened state of awareness that motivates consumers to seek out, attend to, and think about product information prior to purchase
With high involvement, attention is increased and more importance is attached to the stimulus object. Memory is enhanced.
Highly involved consumers tend to place greater importance on information sources. They are heavy users of newspapers and advertising.
Effects of Consumer Involvement
  • Information search
  • High involvement ? greater information search (more shopping around)
  • Information processing
  • Depth of comprehension
  • High involvement ? deeper comprehension
  • Extent of cognitive elaboration
  • High involvement ? more thinking
  • Extent of external arousal
  • High involvement ? greater emotional arousal
  • Information transmission
  • High involvement ? more frequent information transmission (talking about products) to others
Causes of Consumer Involvement
Personal factors
Product’s image and needs it serves are congruent with a consumer’s self-mage, values and needs ? high involvement
Product factors
The greater the perceived risk the greater consumer involvement
The more alternatives there are to choose from, the greater the involvement
The higher the hedonic value of goods, the greater the involvement
The more socially visible a product is, the greater the involvement

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