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PhD, NET(UGC), MBA (Finance), M.com (Finance), B.COM (professional), B.Ed (Commerce + English), DIM, PGDIM, PGDIFM, NIIT Accounting package...

Sunday, July 28, 2013



Entrepreneurship  was potential to support economic growth and social cohesion, it is the policy goal of many governments to develop a culture of entrepreneurial thinking. This can be done in a number of ways: by integrating entrepreneurship into education systems, legislating to encourage risk-taking, and national campaigns
Many of these initiatives have been brought together under the umbrella of Global Entrepreneurship Week, a worldwide celebration and promotion of youth entrepreneurship, which started in 2008.
Financial assistance is available from institutions such as Nationalized Banks, Small Industries Development Bank of India, Regional Rural Banks, National Small Industries Corporation, State Financial Corporations etc. depending upon the project requirement and promoters background. Financial assistance has two components. Loan for fixed capital is used to acquire Plant and Machinery, land and building. Working capital loan is used to meet day to day operational cost of the production. State Financial Corporation and National Small Industries Corporation generally provide working capital. However under a package assistance, State Financial Corporations also provide a composite loan covering plant and machinery and working capital.
The general conditions for getting financial assistance are:
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Technical /Economic viability
  • Promoters contribution
  • Capacity to repay loan
  • Collateral securities/guarantee

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