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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

MCOM Marketing "What are the different Methods of Calculating Performance Appraisal?"

What are the different Methods of Calculating Performance Appraisal?

Appraisal is the evaluation of worth, quality or merit. Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of personnel by superiors or others familiar with their performance. It is also described as merit rating in which one individual is ranked as better or mouse in comparison to others. It is a systematic and objective way of judging the relative work or ability of an employee in performing his job. Performance appraisal has two bases:
(i) Appraisal of employers according to traits, attributes and general behaviour on the job.
(ii) Appraisal of results, work and goals achieved by the employees.


1. Ranking:

In this method of person is ranked against others on the basis of certain traits and characteristics.

2. Paired Comparison:

In this method, each person is compared with other persons taking only one at a time. Usually only one trait, over all suitability to perform the job, is considered.

3. Grading:

In this method certain categories of abilities or performance are defined will in advance and persons are put in particular category depending on their traits and characteristics.

4. Forced-choice method:

This method contains a series of groups of statements and the rater checks how effectively the statement describes each individual being evaluated.

5. Critical Incident Method:

In this method, only critical incidents and behaviour associated with these incidents are taken for evaluation.

6. Graphic Rating Scale:

This method assesses the degree of certain qualities required for a job. The central idea behind this scaling is to provide the rater with a continuum representing varying degrees of a particular quality.

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