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Friday, August 23, 2019

Do something today that your future self will thank you for

You are slowly walking away from enough finances, a boss that ignores you or a team that doesn't love you anymore, and you’re losing any opportunity to rise. This unfulfilling working condition might be slowly killing you! 

Your work is draining you completely. You’d want to break up with your unfulfilling work, but, this is not the solution. You feel difficult to concentrate, find yourself getting sick, struggle to focus and to start difficult projects. But you don't have to stay stuck in this rut. 

Here’s how you can stay motivated and not take a step back. 

1. Find positives in your role

No matter what your role is, you love it or not, there are always positives to the job. You’ll find something positive in your profession that you’ll be happy about. Whether it’s bringing value to the business or generating ideas. 

Do this activity. Write down any 3 things that you are happy about in your job, put it on your desk, and whenever you feel you are being unvalued at work, get the motivation back by looking back the list of things that you enjoy at work. When you are keenly observing the positives of your position, you can focus on growing and staying happy, despite not being happy (at times).

2. Break overwhelming tasks up into smaller pieces

What’s keeping you from being unfulfilled? Find the problem. This is a great approach if you feel unfulfilled when actually you are not doing well. This approach works with many daunting tasks. The sooner you start breaking the large project into smaller discrete pieces that you and your team can handle, you can start crossing items off. And that’s motivating to grow. You can add your tasks to ProofHub’s task list, where you can create sub-tasks, add custom labels to organize tasks, and set time estimates to complete a task. 

To manage tasks and achieve goals, try ProofHub for free.

3. Visualize your Success

Visualization is about creating detailed pictures in your mind. The famous quote, ‘see it to believe it’ tells exactly what visualization is about. It helps you move in a positive direction whenever you feel unfulfilled at work and achieve your goal quicker. 

Just focus and bring all your energies on the little details that will take you to where you want to be - you’ll either quit the goal or you’ll be able to figure out how to make it happen. 

 4. Exude good vibes

It can be frustrating to see no lasting results and no big wins. Sometimes the hard work of your team won’t pay off, it will never feel like enough. Bringing good energy to the office and adopting a let’s-make-this-happen attitude will energize the people around you—and perhaps you’ll be energized. 

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