Human Resource Planning
Process Or Steps Of HR Planning
Human resource planning is a process through which the
company anticipates future business and environmental forces. Human resources
planning assess the manpower requirement for future period of time. It attempts
to provide sufficient manpower required to perform organizational activities. HR planning is a continuous process which starts with identification of HRobjectives, move through analysis of manpower resources
and ends atappraisal of
HR planning. Following are the major steps involved in human resource planning:
1. Assessing Human Resources
The assessment of HR begins with environmental analysis, under
which the external (PEST) and internal (objectives, resources and structure) are analyzed to assess the
currently available HR inventory level. After the analysis of external and internal forces of the organization, it will be easier for HR manager to
find out the internal strengths as well as weakness of the
organization in one hand and opportunities and threats on the other. Moreover,
it includes an inventory of the workers and skills already available
within the organization and a comprehensive job analysis.
2. Demand Forecasting
HR forecasting is the process of estimating demand for and
supply of HR in an organization. Demand forecasting is a process of determining
future needs for HR in terms of quantity and quality. It is done to meet the
future personnel requirements of the organization to achieve the desired level
of output. Future human resource need can be estimated with the help of the
organization's current human resource situation and analysis of organizational plans
an procedures. It will be necessary to perform a year-by-year
analysis for every significant level and type.
3. Supply Forecasting
Supply is another side of human resource assessment. It is
concerned with the estimation of supply of manpower given the analysis of
current resource and future availability of human resource in the organization.
It estimates the future sources of HR that are likely to be available from
within an outside the organization. Internal source includes
promotion, transfer, job enlargement and enrichment, whereas external source
includes recruitment of fresh candidates who are capable of performing well in
the organization.
4. Matching Demand And Supply
It is another step of human resource planning. It is
concerned with bringing the forecast of future demand and supply of HR.The matching process refers to bring demand and supply in
an equilibrium position so that shortages and over staffing position will be
solved. In case of shortages an organization has to hire more required number
of employees. Conversely, in the case of over staffing it has to reduce the
level of existing employment. Hence, it is concluded that this matching process gives knowledge about requirements and sources of HR.
5. Action Plan
It is the last phase
of human resource planning which is concerned with surplus and shortages of human resource. Under it, the HR plan is
executed through the designation of different HR activities. The major activities which are required to
execute the HR plan are recruitment, selection, placement, training and
development, socialization etc.
Finally, this step is followed by control and evaluation of performance of HR to check whether the HR planning matches the HR objectives and policies. This action plan should be updated according to
change in time ans conditions
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