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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

effective communication

Effective Communication Skills in Business

Being able to communicate well in the business world is a vital skill. Poor communication can lead to lost business, which, in turn, leads to lost revenue. There are hundreds of ways to communicate with another person. However, there are a few that are stand out above the rest.

Functions of Effective Communication

  • Communication is used to relate information from one person to another. It has been used as a tool since the beginning of mankind. Without proper and effective communication with one another, humans would not have survived the ages. For business purposes, communication is used in a similar way but is more dynamic.

Principles of Good Communication

  • In the September/October 2007 edition of Healthcare Executive, LD Bjorseth identifies 10 principles of good business communication:
    1. Trust must be built for communication to be effective.
    2. Everyone takes in information differently.
    3. It is very important to listen.
    4. The way you present yourself speaks volumes.
    5. Face to face communication is better than over the phone.
    6. Everyone has a unique personality style and thus will have a unique communication style.
    7. Feedback from those you are communicating with is very important.
    8. You should try to limit the distractions.
    9. Be careful of the words you use. Everyone attaches their own meaning to words.
    10. Verbal information often gets a new translation each time it is given.
  • Efffects of Good Communication

    • The effects of good communication in the business world can be immense. The more people who are inspired by your words, the more successful your business will be. If your communication and words are lackluster, then you are ultimately not going to be remembered. Politicians are good example of the effects of communication. Think of President Kennedy, who was thought to be a great orator. He is remembered for many of his speeches and words.

    Benefits of Good Communication

    • Good communication in the business world will also increase your success. If you have good communication, then you are more likely to increase sales or persuade more clients as compared to your competitors. As a result, you will be financially successful and will be at the top of your game. Failing to have good quality communication in your business can mean errors, confusion and lost work, which translates into failing business.

    Considerations of Good Communication

    • One thing that everyone should keep in mind is that you should always try to be positive. Negative communication causes people to have negative reactions and negative feelings. If people do not feel positive, then they are not going to make positive reactions. Think of how the public responds to bad financial news. The public responds by not making purchases and tightening their belts. When the public feels more secure, they will buy more things. The same idea can be used in the business world.

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