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Monday, April 21, 2014

directions, techniques, importance BBA

Means/ techniques of coordination
1. Well defined goals: – the first means or technique of coordination is well defined goals. The goals of the organization should be clear and well defined. Each individual in the organization should understand the overall goals. When the goals are not well defined the coordination may not effective.
2. Sound organization structure: – coordination is the essence of management. It is not possible without sound organization structure. The authority and responsibility for each and every positions and employees should be clearly defined.
3. Effective communication: – coordination helps in creating proper understanding among persons. Without effective communication, coordination may be effective. The ideas, opinions should be interchanged freely. It is only through effective communication that even individual understand his/her limitations, positions and responsibility in the organization. Effective communication helps in coordination. Therefore, it is also an important means of coordination.
4. Proper leadership: – proper leadership leads the subordinates effectively and efficiently. A good managerial leader uses the motivational tools to coordinate the employees with effective communication system. In short, coordination is made possible through proper leadership.
5. Proper supervision: – supervisors coordinate the subordinates and their activities. Top level management cannot coordinate all employees. In short, proper supervision helps in effective coordination.
6. Better plans and policies: – coordination is made according to plans and policies of the organization and departments. When the plans and policies are not better coordination is not effective in the organization.
7. Cooperation: – without cooperation, coordination may not succeed because coordination is related to employees and their activities. When they are not cooperative, coordination may not be made. So, cooperation is essential in the organization.
8. Meeting and conference: – coordination may be possible when all employees their all activities and departmental goals are involved in organizational planning and policies. Their all problems and matters may be involved. When there is environment of constructive discussion and debate with meeting and conference
9. Group decision: – the group decision is a decision in which all members of the organization are participated to make decisions. The ideas and feelings are mixed into the decision and coordination may succeed.
Question what is the importance of the direction?
Importance of direction
1. Integrative force:  direction integrates the activities of employees. It is mainly concentrated about what, when, where and who to do the work. Without integration none of the activities can be fulfilled. Effective operation can be achieved only when the efforts of all employees are integrated
2. Initiate the action:  in direction, a manager motivates the subordinates to perform the activities. When an employee receives the direction, his or her initiative will be started to do work
3. Improves efficiency:  direction consists of motivation, leadership and communication. When all these managerial tools are implemented the potentiality of employees is fully utilized from which they perform high performance
4. Facilitates change:  change always comes in an organization. Healthy change is important. Some people do not want the condition of change. But change is inevitable. Direction is an important function of management that gives the orders and motivates the personnel for change
5. Helps in stability and growth:  direction is an integrated activity of motivation, leadership and communication. These activities help in stability of the organization. When these activities are used, the capabilities are utilized which helps in flexibility and growth of the organization
6. Helps to achieve the organizational goals:  the manager gives the direction to do work and it gives knowledge, information and goals of the organization. When all people know about the goals it helps on achieving the organizational goals effectively

7. Means of motivation:  when direction is effective and meaningful, the employees are properly motivated. Direction works for motivating people to contribute maximum efforts. It brings positive feeling towards the organization

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