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Sunday, April 20, 2014

motivation meaning and process BBA

Question write a note on process of motivation

meaning of motivation

Motivation is an inspiration that helps to use the employees’ knowledge and skill for the growth and development of the organization. It is an act of persuading the people who work in the organization. It is defines as the psychological process that hell to increase the will to do work. It is the process of inspiring people from which the people can use their ability. It is an important function of management,. The employees who are engaged in the organization must be motivated. Without motivation, their ability and skill can’t be used properly. Every employee has the capacity to do work. It is the process that helps the employee to explore their talent.
“The concept of motivation is mainly psychological. It relates to those factors or forces operating with the individual employee or subordinate which impel him to act or not to act in certain ways.”


1. Unsatisfied needs and motives:  it is the first process of motivation. This stage involves unsatisfied needs and motives. Such unsatisfied needs can be activated by internal stimulus such as hunger and thirst. They can also be activated by external stimulus such as advertisement and window display
2. Tension:  this stage involves tension. Unsatisfied needs create tension in the individual. Such tension can be physical, psychological, and sociological. In this situation, people try to develop objects that will satisfy their needs.
3. Action to satisfy needs and motives: this stage involves action of people to satisfy needs and motives. Such tension creates strong internal stimulus that calls for action. Individual engages in action to satisfy needs and motives for tension reduction. For this purpose, alternatives are searches and choice is made, the action can be hard work for earning more money
4. Goal accomplishment:  this stage involves goal accomplishment. Action to satisfy needs and motives accomplishes goals. It can be achieves through reward and punishment. When actions are carried out as per the tensions, then people are rewarded others are punished. Ultimately goals are accomplished.

5. Feedback:  this is the last stage for motivation. Feedback provides information for revision or improvement or modification of needs as needed. Depending on how well the goal is accomplished their needs and motives are modified. Drastic changes in environment necessitate the revision and modification of needs

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