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Monday, April 21, 2014

motivation meaning, importance, techniques BBA

Meaning of motivation:
Motivation is an inspiration that helps to use the employees’ knowledge and skill for the growth and development of the organization. It is an act of persuading the people who work in the organization. It is defines as the psychological process that hell to increase the will to do work. It is the process of inspiring people from which the people can use their ability. It is an important function of management,. The employees who are engaged in the organization must be motivated. Without motivation, their ability and skill can’t be used properly. Every employee has the capacity to do work. It is the process that helps the employee to explore their talent.
“The concept of motivation is mainly psychological. It relates to those factors or forces operating with the individual employee or subordinate which impel him to act or not to act in certain ways.”
–Delton e. McFarland
Techniques of motivation
1. Financial incentives:  First techniques of motivation are financial incentives as money is indicator of success. Therefore it fulfills psychological safety and status need as people satisfy their needs by money. Wages, salary motivates employees to perform better.
2. Job enlargement: Under this technique, task assigned to do job are increased by adding simile task.   So the scope of job enlargement is high for the motivation of subordinates. It is also known as horizontally leading of job.

3. Job enrichment: Under this technique jobs are made challenging and meaningful by increasing responsibility and growth opportunities. In such technique of motivation, planning and control responsibility are added to the job usually with less supervision and more self evaluation. It is also called vertical leading.
4. Job rotation:  it refers to shifting an employee from one job to another. Such job rotation doesn’t mean hanging of their job but only the employees are rotated. By this it helps to develop the competency in several job which helps in development of employees.
 5. Participation : Participation refers to involvement of employee in planning and decision making .it helps the employees feel that they are an asset of the organization which helps in developing ideas to solve the problems.
 6. Delegation of authority: Delegation of authority is concerned with the granting of authority to the subordinates which helps in developing a feeling of dedication to work in an organization because it provides the employees high morale to perform any task.
 7. Quality of work life: It is the relationship between employees’ and the total working environment of organization. It integrates employee needs and well being with improves productivity, higher job satisfaction and great employee involvement. It ensures higher level of satisfaction.
 8. Management by objectives: It is used as a motivation and technique for self control of performance. By this technique superior and subordinates set goals and each individual subordinates responsibilities clearly defined which help to explore the sill and use in the organization effectively.
 9. Behavior modification: The last technique of motivation is behavior modification. It develops positive motivation to the workers to do the work in desired behavior in order to modify behavior.
Importance of motivation
1. Proper utilization of production factor: Motivation is the mechanism which is used to stimulate the employees. Stimulated employees are ready to use the production factor properly and efficiently. So it results in increase in production and productivity.
2. Willingness and interest creation: Motivation stimulates the employees in an organization. It influences the willingness of employees to work hard and help to present better performance. It is a process that acts according to desire of employees and increases the willingness and interest of employees to do work.
3. High productivity: When the employees are fully motivated there is better performance. It results high production and productivity increment.
4. Organizational goals: The machine, equipment, money cannot be effectively used when the employees are not motivated to do the work in an organization to the maximum extent .so it helps to achieve the organizational goals.
5. Readiness for change: Changes are required in every organization. Such changes may be in technology, environment etc. when the changes are introduced in the organization there is tendency to resist them by the employee or hesitate to accept the change. Motivated employees are already made ready to accept the change.
6. Efficiency in work: Motivated employees perform their duties according to the goals of the organization. They perform work efficiently and timely and increase the efficiency
7. Reduce absenteeism:  Motivated employees don’t want to be absent frequently. In other words, Motivated employees stay in the organization more and non Motivated employees are careless for the organizational goals.
8. Employees’ satisfaction: employee’s satisfaction is an important aspect for the managerial point of view. Employees may be motivated by fulfilling their needs and giving satisfaction in their work. In short Motivated employees are always satisfied.
9. Less disputes and strikes:  disputes and strikes are harmful for organizational activities. When the employees are not motivates they are dissatisfies which creates disputes in the organization.
10. Better human relation: all employees must be treated as human beings by the organization. Motivation I mainly related to behave the human beings.

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